We design custom logos and websites. We don't sell ponchos.

One size fits all. What a load of total BS.

Here are a few things that are so called ‘one size fits all’ items: hat, beanie, stockings, scarf, gloves, watch, ring, headband, poncho, wig, sundress, sunglasses, compression socks…
I feel like anything that is promoted as ‘one size fits all’ can be sloppy. Like a poncho for example, it’s big and roomy, but has no structure, no support and lets cold in on the sides. It needs to be this way to accommodate everyone. Do you feel special wearing a poncho? Not really. Would you wear a poncho to a major presentation or a work meeting? No. Why? Because it would give the impression you are not organised, sloppy and not very professional.

A poncho is fine to wear to the movies, to lunch, lounging at home or in every day life, but not in business (if you want to be taken seriously).

Then there is ‘one size fits MOST’. Seriously. This might even be worse. What does ‘most’ even mean? If this hat is too small, your head is too big. Thanks for the confidence boost! I’m not sure I have ever put on a pair of stockings that claimed to be ‘one size fits most’ where the feet have not been too big and the crotch too low. And I can’t buy ‘one size fits most’ compression stockings, apparently my calfs are larger then MOST ladies. Once again thanks very much!
So what does this have to do with design? EVERYTHING!
There are so many people out there and online services claiming to be able to deliver so called CUSTOM designed logos and websites for pennies. When what they are delivering is a ONFA/M cheap poncho solution. They use templates, free stock graphics, generic symbols and shapes and regenerate them for different businesses and industries. While claiming to CUSTOM design for you.
These items can seem appealing at first glance. You don’t have to try it on, it’s often well priced, allows quick purchase and result and often has minimal colour/ design options to choose from (everyone likes brown ponchos right?).
But the long term affects are not so appealing. It does not fit perfectly, so it’s not as comfortable as advertised, it falls off your shoulder, it lets cold air in, after a few washes you realise why it was so cheap (falling apart) and you realise brown makes your face looked washed out and pale. Hmmmm maybe it was not ‘one size fits all’ after all…

Same applies to your logo or website. If your choice comes down to a cheap price and a super fast turnaround, then get ready to be disappointed.

If someone quotes you under $200 for a logo design, they won’t be spending time researching your business, your competitors, your industry, your target market, copyright and trademarking, looking at colour psychology and industry design trends. They will be looking through their stock symbols, basic fonts and sticking to the two colours you mentioned you liked in the 2 minute phone brief you gave them. Once again, it might look ok initially, but does it fit your business? Does it make your business look professional? Do the colours appeal to your target audience? Will it stand the test of time or be outdated in a few years (like the poncho after a few washes?).
Same deal with a website. There are a heap of commercial templates out there that used well can be great. The problem is that people (can’t bring myself to call them designers) see them as a quick way to make money and just throw generic stock imagery and text in there with no real knowledge of the business message, target audience or values. So if you are quoted under $2000 for a ‘custom designed’ website I would think hard about what you are actually getting.

We design custom logos and websites. We don’t sell ponchos.

We don’t use clip art, we don’t reuse concepts developed for other clients, we don’t use templates. We do spend time researching into your business, industry and target audience. We meet with you to get a firm brief and job requirements before starting. We work with you to further develop concepts until you LOVE your new logo or website. We customise everything to represent your business and it’s values to appeal to your target audience.

Your clients don’t want a ‘one size fits all’ solution from you, they want you to show them how your product or service can make them feel special, how you can help them and how only you can offer them the best results. You can’t do that by putting out a ‘one size fits all’ logo and website.

Want to stand out to your target market? Let our professional, experienced and highly creative team custom design your logo, website and branding.

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